News from the valley 2020

News from the Valley of Hortunas for those whom I quitted on my way to connect with the silence of my heart. People I thank for past experiences. Thank you.


Good Morning,


It’s been a few years since I started a deep quarantine to connect with something more important than my own existence. I said goodbye to all of you, family and friends.


For a few months before the Covid-19 pandemic was declared, I felt the need to “come back” to report, communicating news from the Valley of Hortunas, Spain,  who has been taking care of me in recent years. 


During my transcendental retreat, I have been building with my own hands the AtelTrainer Center, to share ancestral healing therapies and courses for the people prepared to transcend.


On weekends, Massiel and Chantal come to help me, and are the only ones who can break my silence so far. We are united by the essences beyond what is understandable. (Video: Official AtelTrainer Center presentation)


In 2008, when what finance experts called a deep international economic and political crisis exploded, added to the voice of climate change and foreseeing in 2050 a worst energetic crisis, I said from the first moment it was a “war of consciences” and not an economical recession. (Video: Transcendental shift)


In my third book that I published in 2016, “Transcendental Training” I shared my dream and vision as a child, anticipating the great change 2021/2022.(Video: Universal message)


Coronavirus, along with climate change and political and social inconsistencies on a planetary scale, are the consequences of an angry nature that is revealing itself to regain the lost balance between all beings on this wonderful planet, where humankind is just a spoiled guest who, in his selfish walk, has generated a superficial reality that has been annihilating the hosts that take care of us all. They are the seas and mountains, the forests and valleys, the rivers and lakes, from the bee to the wolf of Siberia…


The great planetary change has begun and human beings have to accept it and play their role on this planet, which is nothing else than caring for and thank those who care for us. (Coronavirus video)


Human population will be drastically reduced and the important modern medicine helps, and will help even more, so that people do not suffer in their final transition in this dimension, by treating symptoms and relieving pain.


Transcendental times will come, with no possibility of turning back. There will be many losses, but in 2041 there will be no more darkness in this world.


Suffering, is not accepting the big consciousness planetary shift, and trying to stop it, clinging to a lifestyle and way of thinking that have brought this world to the existential imbalance that brings it towards the end.


Balance will return, beyond human will. Beings more important than humans are living in this planet, maintaining the existence balance. 


Soon, those who have been walking against the current of the social stream, often with despair and sadness for not being understood, for being isolated and despised by the ignorant mass, will realize that they have been walking in the right direction, and will discover themselves swimming in peace to the rhythm of existence.


When I finished writing my fourth book “Transcendental love, ancestral healing”, and after having healed myself of everything for more than 10 years, at the end of October 2018.


I began to have the respiratory problems that typically come with pneumonia.


At the end of December 2018, without understanding anything, I had to go to the hospital, for the first time in a long time, due to such respiratory complication that worsened drastically. I was diagnosed with a severe respiratory obstruction. 


When the doctor asked me how I had managed to endure thus far, I answered . She didn’t answer me and her gaze reflected her thoughts: He’s crazy!


I did not accept more treatment to alleviate the symptoms of my severe respiratory failure, than inhaling a powerful corticosteroid.


I worked hard as always, but at a slower pace, pausing to catch my breath. I only took inhalers as many times as my essence authorized (connection). I meditated as always.


In the early hours of a May weekend morning of  2019, while laying next to Massiel who had come to help me, I woke up without being able to breathe, and the inhalers didn’t work anymore. With tears in my eyes, almost breathless, I said goodbye to Massiel. A great sadness came over me for having to abandon them, Massiel, Chantal and Sombra. I was once again prepared to leave, without fear, accepting my destiny without wanting to understand anything. Massiel, in an attitude of helplessness, hugged me deeply and told me, “But you said that we would create other centers in China, India and Vermont, United States.”


As a result of my silent practices, my isolation, I am still here today better than ever. My defenses have been further strengthened for the times to come. At almost 59 years old there are no mountains that I cannot climb or long roads to the unknown I cannot walk.


It is reconfirmed that modern medicine is necessary to relieve symptoms and avoid the suffering of the body-mind when leaving, but without believing that it cures. 


Healing manifests only in connection with the essence of oneself, freeing oneself from all fears to give way for the energy of existence. Only the fear of suffering makes us consume more medicine than it is necessary. 


Who better than the energies that give life to us, who are our own essences, can take care of us? (Video: Transcendental Healing Meditation)


Many prepared participants have already joined the Valley to heal, most from European countries, and others from far away such as New Zealand and Australia. 


With all of them I share my life for not having anything else than what I am. And what I am today has nothing to do with what I was before, with what I studied or with the experiences I had in the past. 


All participants leave keeping a wonderful secret that could hardly be rationally explained.


(Video: Healing channeling by phone)


Society walks senselessly towards the great final wall.


Known spirituality, secular or not, has been walking in circles for centuries, from their good intention.


The connection with the heart is to walk straight in full balance and union with oneself and with the All. A true union of body-mind-essence.


(See image “The wall”)


This is not a commercial text, written to try to convince and gain “customers”. It is just that I feel the need to communicate an experience and knowledge that does not belong to me for the wellbeing of all, and something else.


To come to the Valley it is required to be prepared to transcend. Money does not open the door of my heart. Sincerity, honesty, the search for integrity, and transcendental love (energy of union) are the keys to the “Valley’s door”.


Now, I feel grateful to be prepared to spread worldwide the universal transcendental knowledge that belongs to us all.


♥ ︎ I hope you practice the connection with your transcendental intentions, as it will reflect wonderfully your true nature.


♥ ︎ Do not be afraid of anything, as there is nothing to fear.


♥ ︎ Beyond life, there is the energy that gives life itself. Connect with it (your essences).


♥ ︎ I will always be in the silence of your heart.


My words cannot be understood, only felt.


If you wish to, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive AtelTrainer news.


Massiel and Chantal have put their voices in AtelTrainer’s author notes. (Playlist)


Thank you!


Transcendental love hug,


Alain Tello Robledo

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Social name:

“Alain Tello Robledo”


Transcendental name:





The lost mind isn’t responsible for collective ignorance, it is its victim.

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