My social name is “Alain Tello Robledo“.
My transcendental name is: “Weare“.
“Beingist” (Union of all Beings).
Born in 1961, I’ve been leaving lots of “distractions” behind, to live from my vocation, my essence…
I’ve changed the search for the promised, ephemeral happiness, for the deep and long lasting peace in connexion with the Everything.
With the support of my beloved companion Massiel and of my beloved daughter Chantal, from our intuition, we are creating the first phase of the AtelTrainer Centre of Transcendental Humanistic, Holistic and Secular Training, situated in the small, discreet and magic valley of Hortunas de Arriba (Requena, Valencia, Spain).
I devote myself to transcendental training and to energetical diagnoses and therapies to promote the auto healing…
My job and mission, is helping everyone discover their essence and be able to live in harmony with themselves, with the Everything…
The future Ateltrainer Center in Spain is seated on a private state of 234.000 m2 and is in the middle of the small and peaceful valley of Hortunas, which irradiates a special energy… A magic place to let oneself be surrounded and taken care of by the power of nature.
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