Job offer

900 jobs start-up phase


AtelTrainer’s Foundation – International Universal

🌿Forest therapy🌿

The future Ateltrainer Foundation hereby announces its plans of humanitarian and planetary expansion, at the level of human resources to constitute the “Future International Transcendental Team” to tend to the future Transcendental Training Centers and Transcendental Clinics for people and veterinarians in Hortunas (Spain), South Korea, Vermont (USA), Argentina…  



The initiative for the Ateltrainer Universal International Foundation, is based on the manuscript of the “New World“. Union of Scientific Medicine and Universal Medicine (Ancestral Healing).


During the current period of the great change that humanity is already beginning to “notice”, and that I already communicated in 2016 through the Universal Message, hiring for the Foundation will be done according to the labor laws of each country where the Transcendental Centers and Clinics are located, until they can adapt to the big shift reflected in the manuscript of the New World (Union of all people of the planet for a common destiny).


The present initiative aims to anticipate preparations and be ready to assemble the operational teams that I will detail below in record time, as soon as we obtain the necessary resources through the sale of books and donations. 

All in order to help people become free and heal on a global scale, as we have been doing so far on a micro scale in Spain. Contributing to our wonderful Planet and her ecosystems to recover the balance between all species.


The strength of the future Transcendental Clinics lies in the total union between the indispensable Scientific Medicine and the Universal Medicine that I prefer to call Ancestral Healing. Both medicines together will achieve 100% of healing effectiveness. 


The main objective of the transcendental ancestral healing hospitals and clinics is to help children and adults alike who have been diagnosed with irreversible illnesses, such as cerebral palsy, blindness, are in recovery from tumour removal, cancer, etc. 


No one medicine is better than the other, but together, away from egos and attachments, they will constitute the best medicine of all times to obtain 100% healing effectiveness, once patients are ready to transcend. 


Ancestral Healing becomes the energetic surgery that I explain in my fourth book “Transcendental Love, Ancestral Healing” and that many people have already been healed with. Read some experiences. 


People who have already met me in person, who have been healed and liberated through a healing retreat or an ancestral treatment, will understand my words more easily, and many of them will remember the experience of the quartz stones, which keeps them united with the “Existence”.  Some real stories. 


People, unburdened by existential uncertainty, living in a just, free, and equitable global society, will find the joy of living life to the fullest. The mind and nervous system will relax and the immune system will function at 100% capacity, which will drastically reduce the current number of diseases and disorders, such as cancer, diabetes, allergies, asthma, anxiety, depressions, etc. 

Available positions:

Hortunas – Spain (Operational headquarters):

 Transcendental Clinic Director. Graduate in medicine and surgery. 

Will coordinate the other Clinics in the World, according to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles. Fluent in English.

Transcendental Veterinary Clinic Director. Graduated in veterinary medicine.

Will coordinate the other Veterinary Clinics in the World, according to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles. Fluent in English.

HR Manager. Fluent in English.

Purchasing and International Travel Manager. Fluent in English.

Administration and Accounting Director of all international Centers and Clinics. Fluent in English.

Expansion & Communication Manager. Fluent in English.

Workshops, International Training Manager. Fluent in English.

Maintenance Manager.

Head Cook and Cooks. Preparing meals according to transcendental nutrition. Tolerant Vegetarianism.

Administrative and Patient Care. English language abilities.

Public health personnel: Nurses, Orderlies, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Surgeons, etc. English language abilities.

Ancestral Healers, Guides of Healing Meditation and Intuitive Sensitive Healing Yoga. Fluent in English. Trained at the AtelTrainer Center in Hortunas, Spain.

Gardeners and farmers.

Foresters & Forest guards.

Cleaning and Disinfection Staff.

Republic of Korea “South Korea”  

(Language: Native Korean and fluent English):

Location to be confirmed.

Transcendental Clinic Director. Graduate in medicine and surgery. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

Transcendental Veterinary Clinic Director. Licensed in veterinary medicine. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

Transcendental Training Center Manager. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

HR Manager.

Purchasing Manager.

Administration and Accounting Manager.

Maintenance Manager.

Head Cook and Cooks. Preparing meals according to transcendental nutrition. Tolerant Vegetarianism.

Administrative and Patient Care.

Public health personnel: Nurses, Orderlies, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Surgeons, etc. English language abilities.

Ancestral Healers, Guides of Healing Meditation and Intuitive Sensitive Healing Yoga. Fluent in English. Trained at the AtelTrainer Center in Hortunas, Spain.

Gardeners and farmers (Organic GreenHouse).

Cleaning and Disinfection Staff.

Vermont – United States 

(Language: Native English & Fluent):

 Transcendental Clinic Director. Graduate in medicine and surgery. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

Transcendental Veterinary Clinic Director. Licensed in veterinary medicine. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

Transcendental Training Center Manager. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

HR Manager.

Purchasing Manager.

Administration and Accounting Manager.

Maintenance Manager.

Head Cook and Cooks. Preparing meals according to transcendental nutrition. Tolerant Vegetarianism.

Administrative and Patient Care.

Public health personnel: Nurses, Orderlies, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Surgeons, etc. English language abilities.

Ancestral Healers, Guides of Healing Meditation and Intuitive Sensitive Healing Yoga. Fluent in English. Trained at the AtelTrainer Center in Hortunas, Spain.

Gardeners and farmers (Organic GreenHouse).

Cleaning and Disinfection Staff.

Argentina (place to be confirmed) 

(Language: Spanish & Fluent English):

 Transcendental Clinic Director. Graduate in medicine and surgery. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

Transcendental Veterinary Clinic Director. Licensed in veterinary medicine. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

Transcendental Training Center Manager. According to the AtelTrainer Foundation principles.

HR Manager.

Purchasing Manager.

Administration and Accounting Manager.

Maintenance Manager.

Head Cook and Cooks. Preparing meals according to transcendental nutrition. Tolerant Vegetarianism.

Administrative and Patient Care.

Public health personnel: Nurses, Orderlies, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Surgeons, etc. English language abilities.

Ancestral Healers, Guides of Healing Meditation and Intuitive Sensitive Healing Yoga. Fluent in English. Trained at the AtelTrainer Center in Hortunas, Spain.

Gardeners and farmers (Organic GreenHouse).

Cleaning and Disinfection Staff.

🌿Forest therapy🌿

General requirements:


How do I know if I am ready to be part of the Transcendental Team?


If after reading the “The New World” manuscript/book and its linked sites, you feel your interest and enthusiasm in joining the Transcendental Team growing, awakening your vocational side.


Although AtelTrainer’s writings on transcendental universal knowledge, found in his author’s notes and books, do not condition people as they don’t tell them what to do, but invite them to pay attention and trust their inner voices of their Essences/Hearts “intuition” to be guided on daily decisions taking.


Unprepared people will feel repulsion towards these writings. 


Prepared people will be excited to collaborate for a better world.

Necessary attributes of a candidate:


  • To be sincere to the core.
  • To love Nature.
  • To love Life.
  • To love all Beings (Human, Fauna, Flora, and the Universe).
  • To not have had any addiction during the last 5 years.
  • To have a very open and flexible mind.
  • To have read all the author’s notes and books, as required.
  • To feel united to the Universal Transcendental Knowledge that belongs to all of us.
  • To desire to cooperate actively in making the New World go from utopia to transcendental reality. 

Necessary aptitude to be eligible to apply:


  • Have the appropriate training and experience for the position applied for.
  • Speak languages, especially English, for international positions.
  • Be able to sit on the floor with ease.
  • Practice some moderate physical activity, yoga, tai chi, etc.

Benefits for the people who are part of the transcendental team: 


  • Flexible schedule according to their obligations.
  • Free accommodation for the people who would need to move house to attend to their duties.
  • Food and beverages supplied.
  • On-site Zen dining-hall. Transcendental food, similar to tolerant vegetarianism.
  • Paid international travel.
  • Reduced working time according to the harshness or intensity of the position or task.
  • Free access to all Mini Gym Zen located in the area of the Centers and Clinics. Promoting the practice of “sport meditation”.
  • Free medical and healing treatments.
  • Free access to sessions of transcendental healing meditation, and intuitive sensitive healing yoga scheduled.
  • Free access to all Dojos/Ashrams located around the Centers and Clinics. Full respect required.



  • Minimum wages according to laws of the countries where the Center/Clinic is located.  Until the New World becomes a reality, soon.
  • Lodging and meals provided.
  • Paid International travel.
  • Business telephone for positions with international relations.



The people selected according to their attitudes and aptitudes must confirm, in sending their application, that they have read the author’s notes and the books on the transcendental knowledge that belongs to all of us. Selected candidates will have to pass a sincerity test.


Applications are accepted by sending a complete Curriculum Vitae with photo and a detailed motivational letter. 


Email for applications:


Write in subject “RR-HH Fundación” + “Name and surname” + “country and position requested”.


We will try to answer all applications.

Incorporation – availability: 

Will be confirmed soon.

Request for information (doubts and questions):


By email to 

Write in the subject Foundation + Name and surname.

Words of the Founder:

 I have spent many years isolated from society, in the silence of the small valley of Hortunas, Spain. Far away from all religions and worldly beliefs.


I have build with my own hands the first AtelTrainer Transcendental Ancestral Healing Center; and with the help of Massiel and Chantal on weekends. Actually they are my only connections to society. 


In my 60s, after having self-healed from my diagnosed generalized anxiety, from my asthma and allergies, having improved my diopters, after having written dozens of author’s notes and five books, my only ambition and raison d’être is,


  • to see the blind child be able to contemplate the sunset on the new horizon.
  • to see the child rise from their wheelchair to run in the valleys of a united and joyful humanity.
  • to see how people of pure intentions walk hand in hand, smiling and free.
  • to see wild animals recover their habitats and live in peace.
  • to see how the river waters flow crystal-clear again.
  • to see how seas and oceans are once again a healthy habitat for marine life.
  • to see how adaptive diseases have disappeared.
  • to see how existential fears have vanished from Earth.
  • to see how the collective consciousness got so high that humankind lives in union among all beings.


The AtelTrainer Foundation is the materialization of the good intentions and dissemination  of the universal knowledge that belongs to all of us.


The AtelTrainer Foundation is the Foundation of all of you and for all of you.


If my words awaken in you a sincere smile and hope, I invite you to send us your job application.


Thank you and see you soon!


Transcendental Love Hug,


          ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎

Alain Tello Robledo

Founder of AtelTrainer

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