New Year, from Beingism

New Year, from Beingism

At 23:59h on December 31st, just like every year since ancient times, good wishes are shared for the new incoming year, according to the tradition spread in the four cardinal points of the planet, surrounded by the desired abundance…

In every dawn of every day of the year, from the Valley of Hortunas, Spain, from Beingism, we wish you that every moment, every day of your lives, be guided by the peace and harmony of your hearts.

In the silence of absolute coherence, your Essences will guide you towards liberation, for a world of union among all Beings of the Planet.

Remember that human reality, behind religions and beliefs, has invented calendars and Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.

In the Universe, every day and instant that leads us to a continuous present, future, are all equally important.

The only important date for each Being is the date of their birth, which coincides with an instant in the Universe. 

We invite you to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve, relativizing their importance, eliminating all expectations of a better year. 

No instant of a dreamed future can replace the present moment. 

Abandon yourself to the feeling of each moment, regardless of your changing circumstances. 

Even after the most severe storm, the Sun of tomorrow will shine again.

The eyes of thought, anchored in the suffering of yesterday, extinguish the light of the Sun that illuminates a new dawn full of new adventures and opportunities.



Transcendental Union Hug,

Weare – Alain Tello Robledo – Beingism

& the AtelTrainer team.

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“Alain Tello Robledo”


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The lost mind isn’t responsible for collective ignorance, it is its victim.

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