Patricia's testimonial

Express Retreats Weekends♥

Had an amazing experience at “Valle de Hortunas” in Requena, Valencia-Spain.
Allow yourself to follow your instincts and learn how to live from the heart. Your mind will start to ease, and wonderful things will start to happen around you and within.
So, pack a bag and hit the road to Requena, you won’t regret it!
In a moment when my glass was already too full to take anything else in, AtelTrainer happened and revitalised me. A very much needed get away and yoga retreat turned out to be a deep cleansing of the heart. Fears came out, buried feelings emerged, emotional and physical blockages released, and all the fatigue that came with it was rested.
Having had a one to one retreat with Alain was a luxury as all the attention was focused on me and my needs. Also enjoyed the treatments (energetic channelling, Shiatsu).
Also, the wife and the daughter are warm and welcoming, the make you feel at home and at ease.
Best money invested in my health insurance. It seriously felt like a psychoanalysis of the heart but without the “psycho”. Therapy could have taken years, this took me 3 days, and although I know I still have a long journey to walk, I can feel now that I´m on the right path to find peace and purpose in life. Practice “heartfulness” instead of “mindfulness” and the results will be much more powerful.
P.S. We also did Yoga!
If you are doubting and perhaps having fear about going on your own, please don´t, nothing to be afraid of, more than connecting with nature in a sacred valley that heals you, and best of all re-connecting with yourself and all the beings around you through the magic of transcendental love.
Patricia Corell.

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Alain Tello Robledo


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La mente perdida no es culpable de la ignorancia colectiva, es víctima

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