TWO Ends
Life wants to give us the best we can desire at different times, parents, siblings, colleagues, a partner, a home, children, health, beauty… Those are gifts that show the extreme of happiness.
Life also, governed by an unknown law, takes away what we acquired as time goes by, so that we feel the other extreme, pain, worry, suffering, sadness, despair…
As we come and go from one extreme to the other, we always pass through an area of balance, peace and serenity.
Attachments and dependencies to the benefits from life, stop us and delay our return to balance.
Attachment and Dependency are words with strict meanings that don’t want time to go by
Patience, Adaptation, Flexibility, are words with meanings as fluid as life itself. Essence of the infinite universe.
Impatience is an aggressive word with an aggressive and destructive meaning, that doesn’t let things run their natural course
Life is never-ending movement
Time doesn’t go by in life
Things happen in life
By caring for our body with sense, love and patience we relax and purify our mind
By breathing, we move without tiring
With the habit of serene movement, the seed of patience grows
Patience and Serene movement we feel life is eternal
Sensitivity flees from getting trapped in one of the two extremes, always seeking to approach balance
Our personal growth is returning to balance as quick as possible, when storms and excesses of kindness come knocking at the door.
In this area of balance, we can better see and feel ourselves in the landscape, leaving for tomorrow the distant horizon
Living in the present in difficult times, is feeling the present and letting it go by at its own pace, without understanding it
Living in the present in the beautiful moments, is feeling the present and letting it go by at its own pace, without holding on to it
Living in the present in the area of balance, is feeling the present and letting it go by at its own pace, without fearing it
Your friend,
Alain Tello Robledo