New World, Coming very soon !

New World, Coming very soon !


Fifth book of the AtelTrainer anti Method.

In spiritual forums, there is much talk about the new world. 

As human societies find themselves, in all evidence, in their final decline, it makes sense to talk about the new world that will take place after the one currently perceived disappears.

The world is still the world. Only the human reality that feeds people’s selfish interest, a result of so many internal struggles, self-interested interpretations of Existence, and humanitarian divisions since the beginning of time, has broken the existential balance on our planet. 

Title : The New World

Collection: Book V

Subtitle: Coming very soon!

Language: English

Author: Alain Tello Robledo

Edited by: AtelTrainer 

Size: 5.24 x 22.86 cm

Pages: 102

Available language: English, Spanish & French

Publication: November 2021

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