Transcendental Love – Ancestral healing

Transcendental Love – Ancestral healing

Fourth book written from another dimension.


When the two hemispheres are activated, they generate a magnetic fild that wraps the head in an invisible cloud of energy.

This energy fild is so intense that it acts as a shield, making the energy of the Source (Universe) unable to penetrate through the seventh chakra (crown or top of the skull).

People get sick because they are disconnected from the Source, from the energy of life.

Title : Transcendental Love, Ancestral Healing

Collection: Book IV

Language: English

Author: Alain Tello Robledo

Edited by: AtelTrainer 

Size: 195 x 142 mm

Pages: 177

Available language: English, Spanish & French

Publication:  2019

Translator: AtelTrainer



These books  have therapeutic purposes from the transcendental knowledge to prepare the Ancestral Healing process.

They should be read in a relaxed manner, without trying to understand, memorize, just read, feel, and less trying to remember or analyze their contents. This would activate the cerebral hemispheres.


The physical part of the books can be seen and touched, but not the energy of the liberating knowledge that surrounds them.

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